

Safety of journalists. Public lynching and kompromat - FreeEx Digest no. 1 (English)

20 Mar 2023

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FreeEx Digest is an editorial project of the ActiveWatch Association presenting summaries of the main issues that can negatively influence the right to correct information and freedom of expression in Romania.

It focuses on cases of journalists who are not allowed to work in the public interest, expose practices and institutions that restrict freedom of expression and try to offer recommendations and solutions for citizens overwhelmed by the huge flow of contradictory or misleading information that fuels our anxiety and prevents us from making informed decisions.

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The FreeEx Digest project is funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The views and information presented in this project do not represent the position of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Responsibility for the accuracy of information and editorial decisions rests solely with ActiveWatch.

Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0 (Attribution)

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